
Throughout the history of humanity, we can observe that wars have been a part of it, and will continue to be so...
Why do I say this? Because war is one more horror of what the heart of the human being can be capable of doing, against his own fellow men.
It is in the hearts of people that the crudest and most chilling wars are waged first and foremost. It is there where the true motivation of the human being lies, when he has free space to wield a simple weapon, or a tank, or a missile, or a sophisticated nuclear weapon... The "wrong feeling of power", hidden behind that armament arsenal.
There are two things that can make a man or a woman feel powerful: the first of them, money; the second of them, weapons.
Learning from past mistakes is not on the list of those who are wise.
The mind easily forgets those situations that have already happened, from which it could learn, reason, avoid or prevent repeating them.
But no... our main "defense mechanisms" are: to ignore, to forget, even to deny the existence of what was.
What foolishness and blindness! Wanting to achieve peace in the world, making war; What foolishness and blindness! To want to achieve peace in our home, arguing shouting or wielding a fierce weapon: our tongue, without going into more aberrant details; What folly and blindness! Wanting to fix a world that is increasingly out of control, through people whose hearts are also out of control; What foolishness and blindness! Those people who speak and defend rights, are those who also take them away....
Someone very wise once said: "Change the heart of the human being, and you will change the world". And it is not far from the truth. But it is impossible for us to change ourselves. Our efforts may go so far, but then we find ourselves enveloped and locked in other labyrinths, from which it is impossible for us to get out alone.
War is a monster that dwells within the hearts of people, because Someone who knows that heart very well, our Creator, has said it through Jesus Christ, in the Bible, in the Gospel of Mark 7:21-23: "21 For from within, out of the heart of men (understand people-my statement), proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, 22 thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, envy, evil speaking, pride, foolishness. 23..."
Let us not participate in "the wars"! Let us allow God, through Jesus Christ, to change our heart, giving it to Him...!

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