New Year or old year?


How fast time goes by! It seems like only yesterday that we were starting a new year, 2021; and now, we are already at the gates of 2022!

As every year begins, we try to take stock of what has been in our lives, and it seems that we also set goals and resolutions for the new one that has just begun. In many cases, those goals remain forgotten, or in the routine of the wheel of life, which keeps turning, but, always in the same direction....

Our souls remain unsatisfied, as in the previous year; our mistakes, follow us everywhere, as in the previous year; our desires to change things, like taking care of our health, leaving aside that which chains us, is still there, going round and round, without results, as in the previous year; the urgent need to change our character, being kinder to ourselves and to our neighbor, is also isolated in a place of frustration, ashamed because it remains.... as in the previous year; we live to run, to spend our life in what does not satiate, we say that next year we will take things more calmly, but it is still... as in the previous year. And we could go on adding more and more promises and wishes of changes for the New Year, however, most of the time those intentions vanish, and the New Year becomes the old year, that is, everything remains the same as in the old year... And so each season that goes away and another one that returns...

In this world, our lives seem to have become caged in the current of routine and fear of confronting ourselves with the reality we live inside. Why do we not want to admit that we are in need of many things? And what things, if we run and fight to have everything: the best car, if possible two or three; the best house; the best clothes, renewing them, from year to year, without the need to do so; the best pleasure trips; and... in short, to live and have everything that "our friend money" provides us with? In reality, "our friend money" is not our friend, it is a despot, a false god, who wants to devour our lives, our time, our families, our health, our inner emptiness, our hidden and potential desire to meet the One True God.

So, this New Year, why don't we propose to ourselves that it will not be again like the old year, admitting that we are in need of many things, but that are not in the previous list...? Of many things, that only Jesus can and wants to give us. God loves you and wants to give you what truly satisfies.
That is why, in the book of Isaiah 55:2-3a (the Bible), God Himself tells us:

"2 Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat of good things, and your soul shall delight itself in fatness. 3 Incline your ear, and come unto me; hear, and your soul shall live;"

I wish you a different and good New Year, without it still being like the "old" one!

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