
This video will impact your heart... it will make you cry... as it did me...

(Set the subtitles to English or another language, to reflect on the video story)

Speechless. I have no words to express what I feel when I write the story of this video...

Hi mom, hi dad,

I wanted to tell you these things personally... but I could not. However, someone who loves me very much, said he would do it for me.

Yes. Many things... The first of all: repeat a thousand times "mom" and "dad". They are some of the first words I would have liked to say if I had been outside, in your arms... in the warmth I would have loved to feel...

When I was inside you... I imagined knowing your face and daddy's... I wanted to see them so much!
Sometimes, I would lie still, because I would fall fast asleep. But other times, I was restless, naughty, unruly... I even sucked my thumb, because I was getting ready to drink my milk on the way out... But that day... never came.

What happened mommy? What happened daddy? I wanted to go and play with you...! I wanted to eat with you, sitting in a highchair, like other children...!
I wanted to hug you with my little hands... hold your fingers... suck on my toys... run from one side of the house to the other, while you or daddy chased me behind...! This I know, because many children have done it.... I wanted to say goodbye to you, crying my eyes out in the nursery school... doodling... drawing you mom... you dad...! 

But what happened... I wanted to cry in my crib when... I wanted... so many things... but none of them could be...! (I'm crying mom. I'm crying dad.) I tell you, because many say that I do not cry, that I do not feel anything, that I am "nobody", BUT I WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW: I AM CRYING!!!

One day, I woke up, like any other day, one of the few I had... when suddenly, something horrible came near me, I tried to defend myself, but I couldn't do anything but move from one side to the other... That horrible thing tried to grab me, until it managed to reach me! How much it hurt me! Maybe you don't know it, because you were deceived saying that... that I don't cry... that I don't feel anything... that I am "nobody"...

... But even though I suffered a lot... now I live in the house of my Heavenly Father. I am here, together with other children who suffered like me... Here we no longer suffer. Living with Jesus is the most wonderful thing I could discover! He loves us with such a special love...! 

I still hope to see you in this wonderful place, where only the innocent can come...! 

I don't know if you know, that Jesus said something special about us, "... Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" it is in the Bible, in Matthew 19:14.

Mom. Dad. Yes, I am still hoping to see you in this wonderful place, where only THE INNOCENT can come.... 

Please, to everyone who reads these words... Reflect...! (I was helped to say this by a person who loves me very much, and who offered to write this letter, for me...).

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