Heart sick...


Heart. A short time ago I talked to you. A short time ago I talked about you. How empty you are. Of the resources you seek to fill it.
Heart. A short time ago you were honest with me and you made me see how many types of hearts there are in people.
Different states, that given the circumstances, take turns to go on stage.

You told me that you wander through the journey of life, trying to find what you can't find, but is within your reach!
We also talked about the times you have to pretend in front of others, and underneath a smile, you hide uncertainty and agony; you look for the light, but you don't see it, and you are still in darkness.

Heart, you worry me, because you are going to get sick. Or, maybe you already are, and you don't realize it, though you recognize the symptoms, but you resist appropriating the right medicine, just made for people who have a sick heart...

Heart. There is hope! There is effective medicine! There is the One who can heal you! If you continue to let time go by, your illness may get worse, and chains will come to surround you, not to let you run free; dark sadness will come to depress you, and leave you without comfort; cruelty may even come, dressed in guilt, self-pity and revenge; or, perhaps, words like... "this cannot be cured" will come, which will cloud your heart and soul, to such an extent, that you will be left without the desire to try....

That... that... heart! Why don't you try it... Why don't you let the effective medicine, Jesus, the Son of God, come into your life and heal your... heart? I know, you have tried many other "medicines", but they were of no use... on the contrary, they brought you adverse effects...
There is a Word in the Bible, that Jesus himself read in front of the religious of the time, it is in Luke 4:18-19, of the Bible and it says thus:

18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
Because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor;
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted;
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
To proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind;
To set at liberty them that are oppressed;
19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

Heart, I want to ask you a question: is there any medicine more effective than Jesus: who heals you; who sets you free; who lets you see what we cannot see, when we have a sick heart; who brings you the Good News of the Gospel; and the joy of being healed inwardly...?

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